Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development



                          Teachers under instruction and training


We are so blessed with the coming in of profuturo programme in Don Bosco primary school .This programme has come not to destroy or demolish our pupil’s minds but to help them grow with the modernity. The world is moving forward that’s why the administrators of this primary school have thought of introducing the use of tablets in classes .Our pupils will no longer be taught using chalk and boards but tablets and projectors where every pupil is entitled to a tablet. Its the first of the kind to have this programme in our school, pupils and teachers are very happy to use such methodology of learning and teaching .

Yesterday, interviewing teachers during their training on how to use the tablets and laptops they said “its our pleasure and joy to have this in our school, indeed we thank God who has delivered us from dirtying ourselves with the dust from the chalkboards we can now sit and teach then go back smart as we come in the morning we thank so much the benefactors and the Salesians who have thought of this “.Yesterday the coordinator of this programme Mr. BAITI Tony came to help in training the staff of Don Bosco Primary school on how to manage  and  teach the pupils using tablets during their lessons. With this ,we dare to hope that this methodology will improve on the performance of our pupils and also their concentrations in classes we hope to bring more tablets and laptops because we are inclining to think that by next year, the number of our pupils will increase more than the current one .

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