Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

welcoming a new nurse

                                               Nurse Claire Kwagala, happy to serve at CALM


Last Sunday we received a new female nurse who will be helping in treating our boys. She has come purposely to stay and reside within the community of CALM.  Interviewing her on what she is expecting to do as a nurse of the community, she said” Iam ready to work hard, hand in hand with all the members of the community regardless of the age ,color size and nation and I also promise to see that the health status of the boys is up to date ,and there will be no more mosquitoes which will consume our boys and spread malaria to them .” she also promised to treat the boys that even if they spend a week without eating food, the boys will stay and remain strong without falling sick hahahah. It’s so so amazing to hear that from her and she has liked and loved to work with the Salesians .She said “I used to hear of the Salesian congregation and their charism but  I had not got a chance of staying and working with them but finally here Iam on the ground with them what a chance !!!!.”

The only challenge she is facing is, despite of her being a nurse and brought to work as a professional, there are no medicines for her to give boys from her stock .However she promised me that by the end of this week, there will be some thing at least for a start up for us to prove that she is professional. She has also promised to teach sanitation affairs to the boys and improve on their degree of sanitation and the value of human life.      


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