Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

Yearly Archives: 2013

The day started with the tri monthly recollection animated by the Provincial, all the Salesians working in Uganda attended. The theme of the recollection was on the Spirituality of Don Bosco, the provincial invited all the confreres to imitate Don Bosco who was ever united with God. He emphasized that the departing point all our works should be for the […]
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Children in the lower Primary School Section as P7 Candidates tussle it out with Primary leaving Examinations (PLE). This year we have 18 P7 candidates will sit for their primary leaving Examinations. They will be expected to finalize on November 5
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It is a week now, for me to be back in Poland in the new-old scenery of life, but all the time as the time passes by, and the days are running so fast, the thoughts are still going back, as if trying to see or to find somewhere the days which were so much filled with joy and happiness, the days we spent in Africa, and most especially at CALM – Namugongo (Uganda). This is a place so much written in my heart.

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After us is a full year of preparation in Salesian Mission House in Warsaw for the missions.In May we got the decision where and who will go for the missionary experience, and for us it was: Africa – Namugongo – Don Bosco CALM.

Though in different times, but finally all of us reached the place happily and safely. In the group we formed for the missionary experience we were: Wojtek Zawada, Anna Juszczakiewicz, Joanna Skalba, Marta Wilinska and me, Maja Eggert.

In CALM there is no time to be bored. There is always something to do. Wojtek does rather more technical things, for us girls, we spend our time with the boys, and we paint, draw, help them in doing their homework or engage ourselves in the sport activities. Boys also engage themselves in different things, some serve in the church; others are in the brass band or in the acrobatic group. It happens that while playing and so on the boys fall down, get minor injury, and then we enter into action as nurses.

From the time we came to CALM there has  always been something happening. Behind us are the days of sports in Kira Primary School-volleyball, basketball and football. All the points were counted, the winner emerged and the prizes were given: t-shirts, sweets etc.

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  The four Salesian presences of Uganda-Bombo-Namaliga, Kamuli, Namugongo-Kira Mulawa    ( Don Bosco Calm) and Gulu continues to grow from time of their origin.
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It was Thursday 24th that  Nancy Fox and her husband JON Fox  from Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA) came to visit Don Bosco Calm at Kira Mulawa. The purpose of the visit was to get  some  information about the children and the Home. The Director of the Centre, Fr Richard, and Fr Jean Marie together with the social […]
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Thank you Fr Richard
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 Good morning  Br Robert…
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God calls us to live in community and entrust us with brothers to love.We thus become one heart and one soul to love and serve God and to help one another
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