Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Baptism and Holy Ccommunion at Don Bosco CALM


Unlike the past Sundays, the 33rd Sunday in the ordinary time, was extra-ordinary here at Don Bosco –CALM. I can conclude that it really proved the existence of God’s Kingdom to those who were doubting, whereby, in a great joy, fourteen “young men” (boys) of the community officially entered Catholic Church by being baptized and at the same time receiving their first Holy Communion.

It is quite unbelievable but true to say that even the sun as it was setting, it set the rays of happiness, the wind was blowing over the trees producing well harmonized sounds and everybody around was put in the moods of joining hands with the Angels to welcome in the Church the new members ready to sacrifice themselves for the glory and dignity of God here on earth. The young men had dressed very well, just like a bridegroom who has been waiting for a very long time for his wedding day and therefore prepares in advance such that, on that day he appears different even before the eyes of the one who is a passer-by.

We had a lively mass led by Rev. Father Jean Marie (The Vice Rector of the community)  being assisted by Rev. Father Richard ( the Rector of the community ) and while preaching, the main celebrant ( Fr. Jean Marie ) very well explained the sacraments to be received and their roles to Christian life and then also the role of the receiver ( the one to receive them ), his parents and God parents. Ad if it was food, I would sincerely conclude that it was the best meal ever, and whoever tasted it, found it good and satisfying. When a moment of baptizing arrived, the mass which began in English was turned into Luganda and there Rev. Fr. Richard proved to be a Polish-Muganda as he perfectly read Luganda words to the extent that Christians shook their heads and said (after mass) that if they never knew the history of Buganda kingdom, they would say that he has been a spokesman or a secretary of Buganda kingdom for quite a good time.

On the side of the choir, I would say that probably the choir  Don Bosco-CALM was joined by the Angels and Archangels from heaven as they perfectly and excellently animated the mass  with sweet, well harmonized  voices being accompanied by musical instruments and above all, singing songs which were directly proportional to the function.


The day ended with the football match with the boys against the Brothers and Uncles whereby the Brothers and the Uncles proved their maturity and experience to the boys, right there in the field, by winning them with six goals ( 6 ) to four( 4 ).Concluding, I can say that this Sunday was so great and hardly will it be deleted from the memories of the participants                                                                              


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