Namugongo - Kira Town, Kampala Uganda

DON BOSCO - Children And Life Mission - CALM


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala - Uganda


Namugongo - Kira Town

Kampala Uganda

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Shekiuna Oglesby (Center) Mwase Fred Don Bosco CALM was blessed with two interns; Ms. Shekiuna Oglesby from a University in America and Mr. Fred Mwase from Buganda Royal Institute of Business and Technical Education Mengo. Shekiuna Oglesby has finished her practice and hopefully she will be traveling back to her home country soon. Mr. Fred’s supervision went on well yesterday […]
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Collected manure from goat wastes Our domesticated herbivores animals feed on the green plants that we produce; these animals’ wastes is then used as manure for the same plants that will again be used as feed for the same animals. The two interact and operate in that system, the ecosystem. Cow dung manure These manure is then applied to […]
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Owing to the close of the academic term, some pupils decided to end it with a photo-shot. The pupils stood out with different facial expressions as they ended the term. We wish them good holidays and safe journeys as they head to their homes.
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Pupils writing their Papers Yesterday our pupils began writing their term two final exams. Following the continued supervision of teachers, the process has not been bad so far and today happens to have been their second day examination. Tomorrow they will all be winding up with their papers and await for holidays on Saturday. We continue to pray for the […]
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Sharing of gifts with the Pupil. “There’s more Joy in giving than receiving” The lunch time of the day of Assumption saw our boys and girls express their most joy ever. I don’t know if the joy was as a result of Mary’s Assumption or the nice delicacy that was provided for lunch and breakfast? Well, we become happy when […]
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Carrot Plantations Just after the farm, a plantation of planned planted carrots is located. The carrots have proved good yields and so far the harvest is also taking on. Carrots are very good for one’s sight, so we choose to grow plants that will help us secure a healthy life. Follow the link below to read more about Carrots and […]
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Rev. Fr. Peter celebrating the Holy Eucharist

On the 15th of August, Don Bosco CALM joined all the Catholic Churches of the world to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. The day began with a Holy Eucharistic Celebration led by Rev. Fr. Peter, a Salesian friend with the help of the Alter Servants. Don Bosco Primary School led in the singing; they sung Mary’s hymns of praises including “Ave Maria” and “Ekitiibwa kya Maria”. With the accompaniment of instruments, the whole Choir produced eloquent voices. Teachers, social workers and neighboring Christians also joined in the Holy Thanksgiving Mass.

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The fourth glorious mystery tells of how Mary, the Mother of our Savior was assumed in to heaven. Her Assumption is a complete assurance of her heavenly intercession to all those who trust and pray through her. The Blessed Virgin Mary still owns over 50 titles following her works and wonders. Some of the titles can be gotten from the […]
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Part of the cleared land awaiting new crop plantantions Clearing of the land is the first and one of the essential steps in agriculture. It’s mostly done during the dry season where grown grass and weeds in the garden are burnt; and then the land is tilled. This has been done at Don Bosco CALM in preparation for the next […]
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A truck loaded with maize flour and maize brand from our garden Finally our maize has been milled. We can now see it as maize flour and maize brand! Forty Five bags of maize weighing Fifty kilograms have been reaped. In addition to that, Fifteen bags of maize brand were also collected from the harvest. The maize was milled to […]
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